Tuesday, September 21, 2010


My first introduction to the Kalesa was at the old stone walled city of Intramuros in Manila.

The kalesa is basically a horse drawn carriage, it was introduced to the Philippines in the 18th Century by the Spanish. It was the upper classes mode of transport, only the nobles and officials could afford the luxury of the Kalesa.

Things have changed a little bit now!

You can find the calesa in most of the major tourist traps. The most popular area is Intramuros and you can also see them around Chinatown. In the Ilocos Region the province of Ilocos Sur is also famous for the kalesa, particularly around the capital Vigan. It is well worth a trip in the kalesa as you navigate the cobblestone roads that interlock Vigan.

To the south of the Philippines the calesa can also be found in Cebu.

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